Student Restaurant
The project involves the redevelopment of a part of building C of Campus Kaai into a new student restaurant. The restaurant serves not only the students and their teachers, but also 85 employees of the central administrative services.. The new restaurant offers enough space to serve at least 350 people simultaneously. The project provides also the construction of an outdoor space for this new restaurant. The new restaurant will also be used as a new entrance to building C. The dual orientation of the lobby-restaurant allows a greater permeability, giving meaning to the outdoor spaces on both sides. In this way, the potentials are safeguarded for the future. The campus could be much more open to the surrounding urban fabric for instance. The foyer-restaurant becomes the ‘living room’, the hearth of the campus. A bright white gallery-structure (partly indoor, partly outdoor) is created on both sides and forms a transparent and inviting ‘face’ of this new central location, accentuating the new entrance to the existing building complex.